Children ages 6 months to 2 years old.
The baby room caters for children from 6 months to 2 years of age. Building secure attachment through warm nurturing relationships is a high priority for our baby room educators.
Our engaging and welcoming environment, supports all children and their families to feel respected, valued and have a sense of belonging. We value unhurried, child-led play time, allowing children to learn at their own pace through their innate desire to explore and discover. The purpose of our curriculum is to support each child’s growth and learning.
Our room routine is flexible and responsive to the children’s needs. Each child in our care is recognised as an individual and will have differing needs for sleep, play and nutrition. We encourage families to share information with us about their child’s needs so we can provide individualised care.
As a group, we have daily room routines which include relaxed, shared mealtimes and a mix of indoor and outdoor play opportunities. Our increased educator to child ratio, ensures that educators are given the time to build meaningful, trusting and responsive relationships with each individual child. This supports children’s sense of security, well-being and belonging.
Our indoor/outdoor environment provides babies with a safe base for exploration and learning. We have a separate large outdoor play space which allows the babies to engage in natural exploration and play, as well as physical activity experiences including, bikes, sandpit play, building and construction, music, water play and creative arts experiences.
We communicate with families through individual communication books, which highlights your child’s day and includes photos of the fun experiences they have been involved in.