Children 3 to 5 years.
Our curriculum caters for children 3-5 years of age. The Kindy Room has a focus on supporting children to become confident, involved and resilient learners.
Our Early Childhood Teacher and experienced educators, run a high quality Kindy program which supports children to develop the skills and knowledge that will set them up for success at school. Our Kindy program offers children the same learning opportunities as a pre-school or standalone Kindy the year prior to starting school. Our program is reflective of children’s interests, ideas, cultures, abilities and learning needs. We offer a balance of play-based learning experiences, as well as more intentional learning opportunities.
Our curriculum is flexible and responsive to the spontaneous and emerging interests of the children. Each term we have a focus where holistic learning opportunities are planned across a range of areas including, language and literacy, mathematics, science concepts, creativity and the arts, and physical activity. We recognise each child as a capable and competent learner who brings their diverse experiences, perspectives, expectations, knowledge and skills to their learning.
Our environment supports all aspects of children’s learning and offers children a range of engaging opportunities to challenge their learning and development. We have a range of indoor and outdoor learning spaces, including a large enclosed verandah space which we utilise for a variety of different learning experiences such as, creative arts, wood work and construction, and dramatic play.
Our Kindy room has a focus on teaching empathy, gratitude, nurturing kindness and creating a positive and inclusive environment for all. We support children to respect the feelings of others and to interact positively with other children and their educators.
Our curriculum supports children to develop numeracy and literacy understandings, skills, behaviours and dispositions. Educators use the ‘Indicators of Preschool Numeracy and Literacy’ to extend and enrich every child’s learning experience. Children are surrounded by a range of open-ended and hands-on learning opportunities within our indoor and outdoor environment which promote valuable literacy and numeracy learning.
We value each family’s culture through a range of different happenings throughout the term, which supports all children to feel a sense of belonging within the room. We encourage children and their families to share their culture with the other children and educators and incorporate this into our curriculum.
Our program provides opportunities for children to learn and build their knowledge in a range of ways including, STEM learning, inquiry based learning and ongoing group projects. These experiences support children to raise questions, experiment, investigate and form social connections while working collaboratively with their peers. Learning to work in a team is important for children to develop many social skills such as, patience, empathy, communication, compromise and respect for others.

We have a routine in the Kindy Room, to provide a structured day for the children.